Dear Matsuyama-West Rotary Club,
Thank you for your message; Matsuyama-West Rotary Club’s event will be updated on the Rotary Days calendar within the next two business days. Thank you for the video highlighting
your club’s Rotary Day event, congratulations on the club’s accomplishments!
The video may be featured in Rotary media and one outstanding video will
receive a special award plaque from the President. The selected video’s
creators will be notified about the recognition towards the end of the
Rotary year. If you haven’t done so already, please encourage Rotary Day
participants to publicize their Rotary Day photographs on social media
accompanied by the hashtag #RotaryDay.
We look forward to receiving any additional photographs or stories from
your club’s event as they become available.
Thank you for your continuous efforts to Light Up Rotary.
Ellina Kushnir